Welcome to Arasbaran oil and gas process co website.


 is an engineering, procurement, construction, and project management company with nearly three decades of experience in the design and development of industrial projects particularly in the oil, gas and petrochemical Fields.

We provide complete consultancy and technical services for the development of industrial projects particularly in the oil, gas and petrochemical fields. Our services extend to every aspect of such projects, from the initial concept of feasibility studies to the provision of Know-How and License, Basic Design, Front-End and Detail Engineering, followed by procurement, supply services, construction supervision and management.
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Fields of our actvities:

-Long term oil and gas reservoir development

-Technical and economical studies

-Oil and gas separation process, utilizing conventional separators or more sophisticated stabilization facilities

-Crude oil transferring, distribution and storage

-Natural gas dehydration, purification, fractionation, compression and transmission
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PHONE (+9821) 88540510
FAX (+9821) 88540520
EMAIL info@arasbaranogp.ir
Address Unit  2, #8 , 9th. St. , Arabali , Apadana ave. Tehran, Iran
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